Simone Berriau-搜索结果

  • 温柔的敌人 La Tendre ennemie

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:马克斯·奥菲尔斯   编剧:Curt Alexander, 马克斯·奥菲尔斯

    主演:Simone Berriau, Catherine Fonteney, Laure Diana

      Two ghosts attend an engagement party, unseen by the other guests. One ghost, Dupont, is the father of the bride-to-be. He looks back on his marriage to her mother. His wife Annette was always very unhappy; business kept him away from home. The doctor recommended indulging her whims for furs and jewels. Then Uncle Émile suggested a trip to Paris. All went well until the day the...